Bulletin in English

July 28, 2024

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Second Kings 4: 42-44

Psalms 145: 10-11, 15-16, 17-18

Ephesians 4: 1-6

John 6: 1-15

full readings here



St. Andrew 9:00 am Mass

Lector: Ken, EMHC: Jeannie

Ushers: Steven and Paul

 Our God Is Here # 301

God's Holy Gifts # 358

O How Blessed # 740

All the Ends of the Earth # 562

Sacred Heart 11:30 am Mass

Lector: Shane, EMHC: Karen or Joe

 Table of Plenty # 312

One Bread One Body # 331

Pan de Vida # 360, or 307 Come to the Feast

O, Bless the Lord my Soul # 561




ST ANDREW KITCHEN MINISTRY Thank you to Kay and Michele for providing snacks today. If you would like to support the kitchen ministry, please speak with Michele, Kay, or Kelly, or donate at the kitchen window.


STEWARDSHIP “The hand of the Lord feels us,” says the Psalmist, “he answers all our needs.” Both Elisha’s servant in the first reading and the disciples in the Gospel story who witnessed the feeding of the five thousand saw this happen and knew it to be true.













ST ANDREW & SACRED HEART DSA 2024 As of Monday, 20 of our St. Andrew parishioners have contributed 74% of our goal. leaving a balance of $2,490; at Sacred Heart, 11 parishioners have contributed 54% of our goal, with a balance of $5,028. Let’s keep it up! Any donation, no matter how small or large, will help. You may complete a pledge envelope or drop your donation into the envelope and return it to the Parish Office or go to charlottediocese.org/dsa to make a gift online.



St. Andrew- This week: $1346        Last week: $1988      The month; $5525

Sacred Heart- This week: $1330     Last week: $1475      The month: $4207


SUPPORT RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Lynette Gates, at Sacred Heart, collects drink can tabs for Ronald McDonald House. A collection box is located in the entry at Sacred Heart and near the coffee pot at St, Andrew. Please save your tabs for Ronald McDonald House. Click this link for more information about how this small act helps children and families.



Mass intentions can be scheduled weeks in advance. If you would like to request a Mass intention, please email or call Kelly (910-515-9111). The average donation is $10.


PRAYING THE ROSARY All are invited to pray the Rosary.

Sacred Heart at 11:00, before Mass, every Sunday

St. Andrew on Tuesday after Mass or at 9:00 if Mass is canceled.



Sacred Heart needs a pianist for the 11:30 Sunday Mass. If you are interested, let Kelly know.

St. Andrew needs a safe. The diocese recommends a drop box style safe. A gun safe or a floor safe would also work for us.

Michele has a dresser to donate. If you are interested, see her or let Kelly know.




REACh @ST. ANDREW AND SACRED HEART Sacred Heart will meet on Friday at 10 am to discuss the book He Leadeth Me by Walter J Ciszek. St. Andrew will not meet this week.


ST ANDREW YOUTH FAITH FORMATION The next summer class is August 11.





There is so much to learn through video and audio content on FORMED!

To gain access to all of FORMEDs content, follow these simple steps:

·         Go to https://signup.formed.org/ 

·         Enter our parishs zip code-- 28754

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RETROUVAILLE MARRIAGE HELP offers a welcoming and loving space to couples who have been living with the misery of a failing marriage. Retrouvaille offers hope: hope that it is not too late, hope of a different and better marriage. Retrouvaille helps couples to show each other mercy through the opportunities it provides to listen, to forgive, to be reconciled and to move into their futures believing that God loves them and with His help and their efforts, their marriages can be healed and restored. Retrouvaille provides help for marriage problems/difficulties/ crises.

For more information about an upcoming Retrouvaille Weekend program in Charlotte area on Sept. 27-29th for couples, Email: 3062r@helpourmarriage.org or Call: 727-343-6701     Website: www.HelpOurMarriage.com


FORMING CONSCIENCES FOR FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP "We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves in politics by offering the best of themselves so that the leader can govern."

-Pope Francis, Morning Meditation

The Catholic bishops of the United States offer to the Catholic faithful “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” their teaching document on the political responsibility of Catholics. This statement represents guidance for Catholics in the exercise of their rights and duties as participants in our democracy. The statement lifts up our dual heritage as both faithful Catholics and American citizens with rights and duties as participants in the civil order. For more information, see the video and documents found here: https://www.usccb.org/offices/justice-peace-human-development/forming-consciences-faithful-citizenship


Submit an announcement: This is your bulletin. If you have a notice to add, please let us know by Wednesday of the week of your notice.


Prayer Requests: Please submit prayer requests to the office by email or phone call. (If you see a name on the prayer list that can be removed because the person has recovered, please let me know.)


Prayer List

Mandy Ruscin

Joe Oliveti

Mary Lamy Bryson

Les Stowe

David Hysler

John Szost

Steven Wilson I

Theresa Clark

Cliff O’Hara

Mary Oliveti

Alice Griffin

David Coletta

Kay Canipe

Trena Gange

Bob Holstein and family

Dave Paulin

Vincent Paulin

Rebecca Clausen

Bruce Middleton

Gillie Lee

Harlan Boone

Jeanneane Lamotte

Jaclyn Michalak

Carol Medley

Anthony Galletta

Sharon Middleton

Evelyn Wilson

Boyd Holder

Petrina Tuttle-Herring

Cathy Rankine

Gary Ramsey

Father Ray Wadas

The people of the Middle East

Ruth Ellen Foster

Suzanne Riedling

Linda Winters

Frank Miller

Ron Jones

Joey Pontorno

Ryan Rankine

Ray Paulin

Corina Porras

Nancy Sneed

Robert Rowley

Vern Zander

Debbie Kolp

Gregory Van de Ven

Betty Wild

Mary Lou Woock


In memory

Bill Altenberg

Caryn Harris

Gary Eichorn

Don Bouret

Kathleen Holstein

John E Goode

Virginia Cunningham


Military Personnel

Adam Canty, Air Force

Noah Webb, Navy

Boone Swanberg, Coast Guard

Raney Swanberg, Army

Freddy Perez-Comacho, Army

Nathan Deese, Navy

Danny Foley, Marines





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